Determination of welding spark parameters for cyclone efficiency calculation

Fire safety in construction

Importance of the current work is explained by the problem of air purification in the field of breath of the worker and prevention of the fire and the explosion. To solve this problem the authors offer to use Reverse-flow cyclone as precleaner with spark extinguishing option.

In case if the dust includes sparks it is very important to insure that the particles with the sparks will be totally collected in the cyclone, so the collection efficiency for such particles will be 100% in the cyclone. For the estimation of the efficiency of gas purification from the dust particles in the cyclones dust particles features should be determinate, that can be done with the satisfactory accuracy only by physical modeling results.

The amount of physical experiments was made by the authors. The methods of determination of the geometric diameter and hydraulic size of the particle consisting sparks were offered.

The experimental researches showed that the accuracy of using the geometric diameter of such particle is not enough, because the hydrodynamic characteristics of the particles (such as weight, effective diameter, the way of interaction with the environment) can be change in the case of moving. At the same time< hydraulic size, determined in the second part of the experiment, consider all these factors and can be used for the estimation of the cyclone efficiency based on the model of turbulent diffusion with the limited velocity.