About the quality and longevity of facing of laminose stone walls

Building Materials

External wall enclosure of frame buildings is usually carried out in the form of sandwich laying, with protectively-decorative brick facing and inside layer made of aerocrete or foam concrete blocks, or slot-hole ceramic stones which fill he space between monolithic floor slabs and columns or cross-section ferro-concrete walls. The face layer of external walls is carried out of high-quality brick, and sometimes from plastered mineral wool heater. 

Layered walls with face brick layer in CIS countries have received wide application since the middle of 90th years of last century in connection with toughening of standard requirements for thermal resistance. Thus, without possessing corresponding standard base and the building experience, many decisions have been borrowed abroad, and first of all from the European countries where layered walls have started to take root widely for 20-30 years earlier. Operation of layered walls, especially in many-storeyed frame-monolithic housing construction, already in the first 3-5 years has revealed a number of serious lacks which in many cases led to an emergency condition of walling. 

In the paper the most typical faults of cladding of frame buildings, defects of masonry works at protectively-decorative brick face veneer erected in technology of sandwich laying, are given. The analysis of the reasons of faults origin is made, offers on raise of reliability of facing layer are given.