Fiber concrete for the construction industry
The article considers the use of dispersed concrete reinforcement. The efficiency of reinforcing of concrete by a fiber is proved as its strength and deformative characteristics increase. For receiving composite binders were used: Portland cement of TsEM I 42.5H GOST 31108-2003 (Russian State Standard), blast furnace granulated slag with Mo = 1.14 and Ma = 0.2, mineral plasticizer Tricosal 181 softener in essence supplementing particle size distribution knitting, waste of wet magnetic separation of ferruterous quartzites (WMS). Different types of composite binders were developed and their physicmechanical characteristics are defined. For disperse reinforcing alkaliproof glass fiber was chosen; it is produced in the form of a roving. The analysis of results showed positive influence of the composite binders on mixes strength characteristics. The microstructure of mixes on the basis of composite binders has significant effect on properties of a composite. The conducted researches showed that the most effective length of a glass fiber is 12 mm, percent of reinforcing – 4.5 % on weight at the relation of cement and sand equal 1:3. Optimum selection of filler and also use of fiber glass in an optimum dosage allowed to increase concrete durability by stretching at a bend for 172 % on a Portland сement and to 225 % on composite binders that allows to apply it to designs.