Productivity of microalgae as biofuel for bioadaptive systems of facades

Energy efficiency and thermal protection of buildings

Microalgae are one of the promising fuel sources and many specialists associate it with the future of alternative energy. A promising area of application of photobiological devices is their conjugation with the architectural covers of a building and formation of bio-adaptive facades. The determining criteria for the organization of the microalgae biomass production process in the facade structure is solar radiation, ratio of light and dark growth phase and ambient temperature. The goal of this work is to study the productivity of microalgae Chlorella of CALU 157 strain at low temperatures and low illumination, as well as to calculate the amount of biofuel that can be produced under such climatic conditions. In the first stage of the experiment the algae cultivation was studied at different illumination values – 3500 lx, 1750 lx and 930 lx. In the second stage of the experiment cultivation of algae at different temperatures was studied: +2 °C, +10 °C, +19 °C and +25 °C. Total number of cells in the suspension was determined using the method of direct cell counting in Goryaev chamber. As a result of the experiment microalgae productivity data were obtained at different illumination and temperature. It was found that at a temperature of 2 °C and 10 °C, an almost stable state of algae was observed, the concentration increased very slowly, however the culture did not die. Also the calculation of the amount of energy and biogas, which can be obtained from the biomass of microalgae under the growing conditions of 3500 lx and 23 °C was also made.