An energy efficiency evaluation of architectural and construction solutions of an initial design stage in Autodesk REVIT Architecture
The aim of this study was to develop evaluation criteria for the various options of the project on the basis of information of the initial design phase. Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for assessing the architectural decisions on the basis of the building information model (BIM), formed by the program Autodesk Revit Architecture. The study suggested new compact solutions for evaluating insolation on vertical and horizontal surfaces and simplified algorithm for calculating the heat loss of the building, allowing the introduction of the relevant information in a program like Revit Architecture to simulate virtual water and energy balance at the early stages of design. Applying the final value tariffs for water and electricity supply of the area, you can get a virtual operating cash flow. For correct economic comparison of conceptual design options you should take into account time differences in costs and revenues by discounting. For rapid assessment of design solutions a model that allows you to simulate the scheduling of the facility necessary for the formation of the investment cash flow was developed. The proposed method can significantly improve the ability of the variant design incorporated into the program such as Revit Architecture.