Heat dissipation of cement and calculation of crack resistance of concrete massifs

Monitoring and testing of buildings and structures

In this paper, the problems of thermal cracking resistance of massive concrete and reinforced concrete structures during the building period are considered. The calculation results of a research on the effect of hardening temperature on the process of heat dissipation process of concrete are given. The analysis of the thermal stressed state of a massive foundation plate with a fixed thickness of thermal insulation was carried out, the values of the minimum thicknesses of the surface thermal insulation ensuring cracking resistance of structure were obtained. Calculations are performed at various plate heights taking into account the effect of hardening temperature on heat dissipation and without this account. The conducted research demonstrates that not taking into account the effect of hardening temperature on the process of heat dissipation in problems of ensuring cracking resistance of concrete and reinforced concrete massifs leads to a noticeable increase in the required thickness of the necessary thermal insulation.