Pump-hose systems with universal fire barrels for extinguishing buildings

Hydraulics and Engineering Hydrology

The hydraulic calculation of pump-hose system was carried out, taking into account the influence of its elements on the performance of fire barrels. Corresponding dependences for mixed pump-hose systems consisting of one and three fire barrels are presented. Based on the hydraulic calculation of the pump-hose system, it was found that an increase in the number of hoses to 12 in the main and up to 3 in the working line leads to a decrease in barrel consumption by 1.5 %, which does not affect fire fighting process. As a result of the analysis of the pump-hose system with three fire barrels when changing the main parameters in one of them, we can conclude that a significant effect on the flow rate is exerted by a change in the position of the dispenser, the height of the barrel and the number of hoses in the working line (total line resistance). It was also established that the flow rate of the other two system trunks varies slightly (1.5 %), which in practice can be ignored. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are given to the operator working on the pump of a fire truck when feeding fire extinguishing substances to a height. The presented research results are obtained in the field of fire extinguishing agents and methods of their application and can be used in fire fighting and emergency response.