Method of integrated consideration of factors for calculation of anchor system of pontoons

Hydraulic engineering

The work is devoted to the study and analysis of hydrodynamic and climatic loads on hydraulic structures of the Neva Bay - the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, which is exposed to significant anthropogenic and natural impacts. The geographical position of the Neva Bay, as well as the complex of flood protection structures of St. Petersburg, affect the predicted load levels. In these conditions, special attention is paid to the design and operation of pontoons and other hydraulic structures resistant to waves, ice cover and wind loads. The study calculated the wave-protective characteristics and stability of pontoons used in the Neva Bay as moorings for small vessels. The main parameters of wave loads were estimated using wave models, which made it possible to take into account irregular water oscillations and their effect on the dynamic behavior of structures. A test was carried out for the stability of pontoons with various configurations of anchor systems that ensure their fixation at a given point in the water area. The simulation showed that under conditions of irregular waves and changing water levels, floating structures experience significant loads that are distributed to the anchor system and require accurate calculations to ensure reliability. Additionally, ice and wind load on hydraulic structures, loads associated with thermal expansion of ice, changes in water levels, and wind effects were studied, taking into account the characteristics of ships of different lengths and above-water heights. The simulation results make it possible to identify key operating conditions for protective and berthing structures in the Neva Bay and provide information for inclusion in the information model of the water area, which will allow predicting the behavior of structures under changing natural and climatic conditions.