Evaluation of wet dust separator effectiveness in the dedusting of emissions from expanded clay kiln

Ecological safety of construction

This paper describes a way of reducing pollutant dust emissions exhausted in the atmosphere when manufacturing expanded clay by applying high effective wet dust cleaners with a combined scheme of dust separation from the gas flow within dust aspiration systems. Brief description of technological processes and devices and related major sources of emissions and discharges of pollutants into the atmosphere in the expanded clay’s producing is provided. An industrial survey of a representative sample of aspiration systems and enterprises producing granular clay pellets using dust precipitators within those systems is given. The main results of the dispersed analysis of variance dimension’s particle of expanded clay dust stemming and exhausting from the kilns are presented. The expediency to develop new, more efficient structure of precipitators for gas flow aspiration system in the production of expanded clay is justified. This new wet dust cleaner cuts dust emissions from the expanded clay gravel into atmosphere. Experimental research and evaluation of the leakage’s degree of dust particles meant as an outlet exhaust coefficient for the elaborated wet dust cleaner have been done. Treatment dependence of the outlet exhaust coefficient was obtained in the regression dependence as a function of several parameters for this wet dust precipitator.