Experience in usage of sylvinite blocks and panels for “vital rooms” and main parameters of indoor air quality

Building constructions, buildings and structures

The technological boom of the building industry has resulted in a practically unlimited diversity of new materials. Various contaminants often emanate from these building materials in the indoor environment. As a result, the indoor and outdoor air quality becomes more diverged. The known way to keep qualitative, up to curative indoor air is to use of materials from sawn, pressed, melded structures (blocks and plates) from natural sylvinite. These natural original materials used on surfaces, floors and ceilings of rooms generate small ions and ultrafine salt aerosol particles. Based on characteristics of ionizing radiation of natural radionuclide 40K the parameters of the air ion formation are analyzed and the effective ionization areas are calculated. The main requirements for the placement of active finishing or decorative elements made of sylvinite plates or blocks are defined. The measurement data for small ion concentration and fine aerosol in rooms decorated by potassium salt is presented. Mobility distribution of air ions generated by potassium salt plates and that of natural ions are compared. As a superposition of multiple log-normal distributions the values of size aerosol distribution are calculated. Depending on the relative humidity the modification of size distributions of aerosol particles is submitted. The results of these investigations and the recommendations for application of special building materials based on sylvinite salts to create “vital air rooms” provide real ways for achieving healthy, pure and healing air inside buildings.