Adaptability to manufacture varieties of modern disassembled formwork systems
With the development of monolithic construction an issue about improving the efficiency of its use appears. One of the ways to increase it is expedient use of formwork systems. The studies have shown problems in the existing regulatory documentation in relation to progressive shuttering. The paper describes methods and results of computational experiments to study the technical and economic indicators of the construction of monolithic frame in disassembled formwork. It describes the most well-known systems of such formwork in Ukraine, which can be used to concrete buildings under lease or purchase by a contracting organization. Significant differences of the resulting figures on duration, unit cost and labor intensity of concrete works on considering options technologies. The obtained results suggest that it is reasonable to account a variety of formwork systems and their conditions of use at a particular site. The methodology of modeling processes and their final technical and economic indicators can be used on other sites with expected improvement of technical and economic indicators when a set of formwork is reasonably selected among those presented on the market, available for rent or owned by contracting organizations.