Long span bridges buffeting response to wind turbulence

Engineering and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels

The buffeting response of the cable-supported bridges is studied. Several wind turbulence models are summarized and wind field models for practical application in bridge and structural engineering is proposed. The wind turbulence model comprises the mean wind and turbulence intensity profile, power spectral density and coherence functions. The dynamic response of the structure is governed by random vibration theory of stationary random process. The simplified method of analysis using the mode decomposition method is proposed where the only main modes are considered and the aerodynamic damping is introduced by means of flutter derivatives. The method of cable system coherence analysis is presented. The calculation procedure of generalized power spectral densities of wind turbulence load for different structural component is proposed. This procedure takes into account the effects of all three orthogonal components of wind turbulence. The contribution of the wind velocity components into total dynamic response and their correlation for different structural elements is studied.