Biostable silicic rock-based glass ceramic foams
The search for the possibility of expanding the resource base through the use of local rocks, as well as reducing the cost of final product, is one of the scientific research areas in the field of obtaining foam glass-based building materials. The aim of the research is the development of compositions and recommendations for the production of silicic rock-based glass ceramic foams. These studies will allow to create strong and durable building materials with low density and thermal conductivity, as well as increased biological stability. The results of studying the phase transformations occurring in the charge (tripoli : soda ash) during heating, obtained by thermal analysis methods are presented as well as the production technology, physico-mechanical and thermophysical properties of the developed glass ceramic foams. As a result, construction materials resistant to aggressive media with a density of 200 to 600 kg/m3, thermal conductivity from 0.053 to 0.115 W/m∙°C, compressive strength from 1.2 to 9.8 MPa, have been developed. Due to its properties, developed glass ceramic foams will be used primarily as insulants for the construction of nuclear power plants, in the gas and oil industries, industrial and civil engineering.