Bending and torsion behaviour of CFRP strengthened RC beams
In the construction industry, there is growing attention of using effective external strengthening techniques such as bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) composites onto the external deficient faces of the structural members due to their ease of installation, low invasiveness, high corrosion resistance, and high strength to weight ratio. As a result, the center of consideration of the majority of previously published studies was either only on the impact of fibers on the structural behavior of reinforced concrete elements or using CFRP composite as external strengthening for flexural or shear. The intent was to arrive at the vital CFRP strengthening technique that provides an effective increase in the flexural and shear strength while maintaining ductile failure mode. Therefore, this paper investigated the behavior of simply supported RC beams strengthened using CFRP and subjected to combined bending and torsion using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (NLFEA). Twenty-six models have been constructed and divided into six groups to scrutinize the effect of clear span to depth ratio; CFRP length; CFRP strip spacing; and CFRP depth. The results showed that the increase in the clear span to depth ratio as well as length of CFRP leads to a notable increase in the ductility and decreases the ultimate load. The models with zero spacing CFRP strips (Fully) showed a higher considerable effect than the models with strips wrapping. Furthermore, this enhancement was the highest for group six which contains the models with the highest CFRP depth.