Computation of mooring quay in the form of pile grillage
The calculation of a pile grillage quay, as a frame with rigid anchored legs, using in technical literature and normative documents, is called a method of Gersevanov. The transformation of a manual calculation to a computer calculation almost preserves an existing design diagram. The article presents the practical implementation of a proposed early an engineering universal calculation method for quays. In the proposed design diagram of a frame with an elastic anchorage of the bases of frame legs is used instead of the rigid anchorage. It uses stiffness characteristics of soil as the variable coefficients of the subgrade reaction. An engineering solution of determining a diagram of a lateral earth pressure in a silo of variable width and the engineering calculation method of the pressure redistribution on the back sheet pile wall from external ground pressure on the inclined pile row are showed in the article. Taking into account the deformation characteristics of soil the comparative calculations showed their significant impact on the internal forces in the elements of the quay in comparison with the N.M. Gersevanov’s method.