Early loading of floor monolithic slabs with removable forms
This article considers the technology of early loading monolithic slabs using beam and rack timbering.
The main principle is the next: after the concrete is cured to the required strength, the forms are removed and the support shores are installed for load transfer to the underlying floor slab. Such technique allows to form stripping at 60% concrete strength with shoring the upper floor slab on the two underlying ones. The suggested technique results in reduced concrete cure time.
The calculation of frame under erection to justify the technique in this question showed that floor slabs endure the load during erection with the concrete strength being 60% of the design value. The same principle was applied during erection of a cast-in-place building. The cast-in-place concrete was cured to 60% strength and supported by shores, which were installed on the two underlying decks. In this case floor slab camber did not exceed the standard camber allowed.